The Fifth Sunday of Lent: Anointing of the Sick During Mass

Today’s readings Yesterday I presided at the funeral of the mother of one of my friends. It was a beautiful gathering because she and her sister basically took the last few weeks off of their work commitments to be with … Continued

The Third Sunday of Lent: Trust in God’s Mercy

Today’s readings God is extremely patient when it comes to extending mercy. That’s what Jesus is talking about in this rather odd parable. I have to admit that I’m no gardener: I’m just not patient enough for that! So I … Continued

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent: Letting Go of Passing Things

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Today’s readings I’m going to say something that is probably going to make you think I’m wrong. And that is that the great sin of the rich man was not the sin of neglecting poor Lazarus. Sure, that was certainly … Continued