Thursday of the Thirty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings If the readings today stir up feelings of anxiety in us, well, that’s to be expected. These are not readings of comfort and peace – anything but! And that’s just how the Lectionary is arranged. Every year at … Continued

The Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time: Going “All In”

Today’s readings Today’s Gospel has some rather obvious applications, not all of which are entirely accurate. For example, many may hear this Gospel reading as a condemnation of the rich or a warning against having too much money. Indeed, riches … Continued

Thursday of the Thirty-first Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today’s Gospel calls us to examine our perspective. Jesus asks, “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until … Continued

Thursday of the Thirty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Our worshipping in these last days of the Church year is often difficult, I think, because these readings are just hard to hear. The readings from Revelation this week have been confusing, to say the least, and maybe … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Easter [A]

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Today’s readings I can see by your attendance here today that you were not caught up in the rapture last night. I bring this up not so much to poke fun at those who mistakenly predict the end of days, … Continued

Thursday of the Thirty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Our worshipping in these last days of the Church year is often difficult, I think.  And the reason is that these readings are just hard to hear.  The readings from Revelation this week have been confusing, to say … Continued

Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Why are we still here????? Have you ever thought about that?  Why is it that Jesus has been so long in returning?  Why hasn’t he come back to put all things to their proper conclusion?  Why do we … Continued