The Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings You are not in the flesh;on the contrary, you are in the spirit… Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans is really a masterpiece of Christian doctrine and discipleship.  If you haven’t read it in a while, or ever, … Continued

Tuesday of the Twentieth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today’s Gospel reading follows picks up where yesterday’s reading left off.  As you remember, the rich young man went away sad, not knowing how he could attain eternal life, because he had many possessions.  Today, Jesus explains to his disciples … Continued

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (Remembrance Mass)

This weekend, we chose to celebrate All Souls at all of the parish Masses on Sunday (which is allowed) as part of our four-week series called “A Crash Course in Catholicism.” Today, we come together to remember our loved ones … Continued

The Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings There’s a principle in the spiritual life known in Greek as kenosis.  Nobody likes to talk about it.  It’s nicer to talk about the consolations of prayer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and things like that.  But … Continued

The Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time – Bread of Life Discourse V: So What?

Today’s readings “So what?”  That’s perhaps the most important question of the spiritual life.  Maybe it’s even the most important question of life, period.  Because after we have all taken time to absorb the information around us, after we have … Continued

I Believe in Life Everlasting: A Talk on Catholic Beliefs Regarding Eternity Given to the Clarendon Hills Interfaith Dinner

Today at Notre Dame we celebrated the funeral of a dear woman who has been part of our community for many years.  The funeral Liturgy provides a glimpse as to what the Catholic Church teaches about life, death, and eternity.  … Continued