Saint Benedict, Abbot, Founder of Western Monasticism

posted in: Homilies, Saints | 0

Today’s readings It is with great fondness that I observe this feast of St. Benedict the abbot, and father of western monasticism.  My Benedictine roots stem from my college days at Benedictine University in Lisle (then called Illinois Benedictine College), … Continued

Saint Benedict, Abbot, Founder of Western Monasticism

posted in: Homilies, Saints | 0

Today’s readingsRule of Saint Benedict It is with great fondness that I observe this feast of St. Benedict the abbot, and father of western monasticism.  My own Benedictine roots stem from my college days at Benedictine University in Lisle (which was … Continued

Saint Benedict, Abbot, Father of Western Monasticism

posted in: Homilies, Saints | 0

Today’s readings It is with great fondness that I observe this feast of St. Benedict the abbot, and father of western monasticism.  My Benedictine roots stem from my college days at Benedictine University in Lisle (then called Illinois Benedictine College), … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Easter [A]

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings I can see by your attendance here today that you were not caught up in the rapture last night. I bring this up not so much to poke fun at those who mistakenly predict the end of days, … Continued