The Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time [Cycle B]

Today’s Readings So the problem is, nobody ever becomes rich and famous by being righteous.  How many people even care about the idea of being righteous?  The world is so often full of jealousy and selfish ambition.  Indeed, we commend … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)

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Today’s readings Today’s Gospel reading speaks of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, and whose sheep know him.  However, I have two problems with that.  First, who wants to be compared to sheep?  Sheep are not the brightest … Continued

The Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time [A]

Today’s readings For each of the deadly sins, there is also a life-giving virtue.  Today, our readings focus on humility, which is the life-giving virtue that is the antidote to pride.  Of the seven deadly sins, pride is usually considered … Continued

Monday of the Eighteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Give them some food yourselves,” Jesus says to the disciples.  Yes, it would be easier to send the people away so they can fend for themselves.  But that’s not how God wants to feed them, and Jesus won’t … Continued

Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

posted in: Homilies, Triduum | 0

Today’s readings “We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he is our salvation, our life and our resurrection; through him we are saved and made free.” That is the proper entrance antiphon, also known as … Continued

Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

posted in: Triduum | 0

Today’s readings “We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he is our salvation, our life and our resurrection; through him we are saved and made free.” That is the proper entrance antiphon, also known as … Continued