Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time: Right Worship

Today’s readings Today’s readings are a call to right worship, to righteousness, or right relationship with God and others.  Worship of God, properly understood and properly performed, does not allow singing and praying and invoking God’s name in church and … Continued

Saturday of the Twenty-second Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings When I think about this Gospel reading, I wonder what’s really going on.  Were the Pharisees really concerned that the Sabbath was being violated, and that people were not experiencing sabbath rest from their labors so that they could … Continued

The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings This weekend we continue our preaching series at Saint Mary Immaculate called “A Crash Course in Catholicism.”  Please continue to pray for the success of this preaching series, and for the openness for all to receive the grace … Continued

Saturday of the Nineteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Return and live!” This is very good advice from the prophet Ezekiel.  He was preaching to a nation that was steeped in sin, and whose sinfulness was passed on from previous generations.  But unlike the punishments of old, … Continued