Wednesday of the Twenty-eighth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings The requirements of discipleship cannot be reduced to mere observance of law, and a checklist of things to do.  Paying tithes and keeping feast days are important, but eclipsing them in importance is loving others as Christ does.  … Continued

Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings We just finished hearing about the challenges and ministry of Jonah this past week.  Jonah, called to preach repentance to the Ninevites, finds that he would rather not, and so attempts to get away from God.  That, of … Continued

Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today’s gospel reading is a rather heartbreaking story, to be honest.  The rich young man is obviously a follower of the law and a religious man, because he is able to talk to Jesus about his observance.  But … Continued