Friday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings This whole story about Tobit contracting cataracts because of bird droppings falling in his eyes while he was napping, which we heard about on Tuesday, and then being cured by fish gall in today’s first reading is objectively … Continued

Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels

posted in: Angels, Homilies, Saints | 0

Today’s readings This is the beginning of a rather angelic few days for us Catholics.  Today we celebrate the feast of the archangels, and on Friday we will have the joy of honoring our guardian angels.  We celebrate the way the angels … Continued

The Nativity of the Lord: Children’s Vigil Mass

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings #christmasnd Once upon a time, there was an old shepherd named Elias. He had been a shepherd for his whole life long, just like his father, and his father’s father. Being a shepherd was hard and lonely work. … Continued

The Nativity of the Lord (Vigil Mass): Joseph’s Story

Today’s readings Once, a very long time ago, there was a man named Joseph.  He was a well-respected and hard-working man, from the family of the great king David.  But since Israel hadn’t been a great nation in a long … Continued

Ss. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, archangels

posted in: Homilies, Saints | 0

Today’s readings This is the beginning of a rather angelic week for us Catholics.  Today we celebrate the feast of the archangels, and on Friday we will have the joy of honoring our guardian angels.  We celebrate the way the … Continued