Friday of the Seventeenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings What kinds of mighty deeds is the Lord Jesus trying to do in our own lives? Is he finding success there, or have we put up obstacles through our own lack of faith? Today we celebrate a Votive … Continued

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today’s readings I remember when I was growing up, often visiting my dear grandmother.  She and I were best friends in so many ways.  I remember when we visited that she had a beautiful framed picture in the living room, … Continued

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today’s readings I remember when I was growing up, often visiting my dear grandmother.  She and I were best friends in so many ways.  I remember when we visited that she had a beautiful framed picture in the living room, … Continued

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today’s readings I remember when I was growing up, often visiting my dear grandmother.  She and I were best friends in so many ways.  I remember when we visited that she had a beautiful framed picture in the living room, … Continued