Thursday of the Thirty-fourth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Every now and then, in the Liturgy of the Word, we hear words that have directly influenced our prayers in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  Today is such an occasion.  Just before we receive Holy Communion, I will … Continued

Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time [B]: Time, Talent & Treasure

Today’s readings I’m speaking at all the Masses this weekend, and I know what you’re thinking: here comes the money talk.  All he ever does is talk about money.  I hope you don’t really feel that way, because we do … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Easter [A]

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Today’s readings I can see by your attendance here today that you were not caught up in the rapture last night. I bring this up not so much to poke fun at those who mistakenly predict the end of days, … Continued

The Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time [C]

Today’s readings In my last assignment, at St. Raphael in Naperville, there was a huge football program for elementary school kids called St. Raphael Football.  It was not just a team, but a league, and lots of surrounding churches had … Continued