Thursday of the Twenty-eighth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings It certainly seems like Jesus was being a little harsh with the people in today’s Gospel reading.  They weren’t even alive, most likely, when the prophets were killed.  But the prophets were, indeed, killed by their ancestors, and … Continued

The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Vigil Mass)

Today’s readings Sometimes we get an awful lot of information to process.  On this, the last evening of the auspicious year of 2020, there’s a lot I could say about all that we’ve been through, more or less together (although certainly … Continued

Saturday of the Twenty-seventh Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” In today’s gospel reading, Jesus has just been given a great complement and he responds to it kind of brusquely, or at least it seems that … Continued

The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time: Sunday of the Word of God

Today’s ReadingsPope Francis’s “motu proprio” APERUIT ILLIS, instituting the Sunday of the Word of God About fifteen years ago now, my home parish put on a production of the musical Godspell, and somehow I found myself part of the cast.  If you’ve … Continued