Advent Penance Service: The Light of God’s Mercy

Readings: Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 | Luke 3:1-6 I’ve been speaking to the second grade children about reconciliation as they prepare for their first Confession this coming Saturday. One of the images I’ve given them to picture sin is to imagine … Continued

Tuesday of Holy Week

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Today’s readings Today’s Gospel reading contains four of the most chilling words in all of holy Scripture: “And it was night.”  Those narrative words come just after Judas takes the morsel and leaves the gathering.  But the Beloved Disciple didn’t … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Scrutiny II)

posted in: Homilies, Lent, RCIA | 0

Today’s readings Today’s Liturgy calls us to clear up our clouded vision and become people of light.  The gospel gets at that pretty quickly, healing the man born blind in the first couple of minutes of what is admittedly a … Continued

Advent Penance Service

Today’s readings: from the First Sunday of Advent The prophet Isaiah has a way with words, to say the least. The way that he expresses God’s word is almost irresistible. The first reading today is one that has really taken … Continued

Tuesday of the First Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings It is always interesting to me how clearly the unclean spirits know who Jesus is.  For them, Christ our God inspires fear and rebellion.  But even these unclean spirits, hearing his voice, begrudgingly obey.  Jesus teaches with authority, … Continued

Fourth Sunday of Lent/Second Scrutiny [Cycle A Readings]

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings The theme for this week’s liturgy is vision and light.  The gospel gets at that pretty quickly, healing the man born blind in the first couple of minutes of what is admittedly a pretty long reading.  And that’s … Continued