The Second Sunday of Lent
Today’s readings What would you give up for love? That’s the question I want us to focus on today because I think it is, perhaps, the question of the spiritual life. What is it that we are willing to give … Continued
“For the love of Christ impels us…” (2 Cor. 5:14) |
Today’s readings What would you give up for love? That’s the question I want us to focus on today because I think it is, perhaps, the question of the spiritual life. What is it that we are willing to give … Continued
Today’s readings If we take one thought out of Lent, it should be this: we need a Savior. Even before Jesus’ time, Esther knew this. Esther’s adoptive father Mordecai was a deeply religious man. His devotion incurred the wrath of … Continued
Today’s readings “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.” That’s advice I wish I’d taken sometimes when I’ve been coming down with something and think, “oh, it’ll pass.” The sick need a physician! How often have … Continued
Today’s readings Someone reminded me that last year, I proclaimed that Lent to be the “Lentiest Lent that ever Lented!” Certainly we have just been through a very Lenty year, with the specter of a pandemic, the sadness of racial injustice … Continued
Today’s readings What strikes me about these readings is that they speak of the fact that we, with our limited human minds and imaginations, often don’t get God. Even those of us who are people of strong faith often miss … Continued
Today’s readings In ancient days, a diagnosis of leprosy was a death sentence. And that’s not just because they didn’t know how to treat the disease. They didn’t – but what was really horrible is the way the lepers were … Continued
Today’s readings In today’s readings we have two different ways of approaching God, with two different outcomes. In our first reading, we have the story of the fall of humanity from Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Over the … Continued
Today’s readings Recognizing goodness in the world is an art form that brings happiness. Too often in our day to day life, we run into others, and maybe it’s even ourselves, who seem to live to find fault with just … Continued
Today’s readings It doesn’t take too much of our imagination to think of examples of suffering, having been through the last year of our lives. All of us can probably think of someone we know who has suffered from COVID-19, … Continued
We have been hearing from the martyrs a lot recently. On Wednesday, we remembered Saint Blaise, a bishop and martyr who is the patron saint of those with illnesses, specifically of the throat. Yesterday, we remembered Saint Agatha, a virgin … Continued
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